The Art of JLHerrera

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Friday, July 19, 2013

"You might have some issues" More Rorschach paintings 2012-2013

Once I was asked to bring my portfolio to someone for a review and he said to me"you might have some issues with sex" Though I wouldn't call it an "issue" so much as a deep seeded and not entirely unwelcome preoccupation. So what...I like to paint giant veiny ones and boobies. Lots of boobies! Any black panel painting of mine does not begin with sketches but instead is created through a stream of consciousness that I can only compare to what someone would see in an instant upon viewing a Rorschach inkblot. In essence I am my own therapist. And not a very good one, I'd say. I might have stopped myself about 40 veiny ones ago if I took my patient's mental health seriously at all! Which I clearly don't......

Here is a collection of Rorschach paintings from end of 2012 up until now.

4x4' acrylic on masonite

Conjoined turkey lobster devil babies 
3x3" acrylic on wood

Nice helmet!
3x7"acrylic on wood

I'd do anything to be your everything
5x7"acrylic on masonite

Don't forget your baggage  
4x6" acrylic on wood

Ain't nothin gonna break my stride 
5x7" acrylic on masonite

Come with me my darling and I'll show you a whole new world
5x7 acrylic on masonite

Love will always save your soul
9x12" acrylic on canvas panel

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